Voter Opinions of Governor Davis
Two-thirds of state voters dislike governor
pollsters find Recall could spell trouble for Davis
April 15, 2003
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behind the top two choices were Bill Simon, the GOP's 2002 gubernatorial candidate, with 15 percent; Democratic Attorney General Bill Lockyer with 11 percent; former Republican Secretary of State Bill Jones with 10 percent; and Democratic state Treasurer Phil Angelides with 4 percent. Twenty-one percent of those surveyed were undecided.
"If it goes that far, it's very unpredictable," DiCamillo said.
Davis' 27 percent approval rating is a new record low for the Field Poll. Using numbers from a slightly different question, former Republican Gov. Pete Wilson previously held the bottom spot, with a 33 percent favorable rating in August 1993, DiCamillo said. Gov. Jerry Brown was at 38 percent positive in August 1980, while his father, Gov. Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, was at 38 percent in 1961.
The poll is based on a statewide telephone survey of 695 registered voters, conducted between April 1 and 6. The sampling error is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.